Sunday, September 19, 2010

Battling between 2

"there is no way that you can be black and Puerto Rican at the same time" Thats what people told Roberto Santiago. I think that is crazy. That is like telling someone that they should deny their own race. Its hard denying what you are. In the passage Roberto Santiago also used the phrase "act black". I always hear that. The question is how does one "act black"? Is acting black defined by how you talk, what you wear, or what you eat? A lot of people say I speak like a white person. I get offended when people say that to me, especially when it is a black person who says that to me. So because i speak properly means that I speak as if I am white? Are black people not capable to speak properly? That is definitely NOT the case. One must always stay true to themselves, no matter it be black, black and white, or black and Puerto Rican.

Roberto Santiago (183)

NAACP fights back!

In politics people will always play the race card, especially now that we have an African American President in office. That is the problem that the Tea party is having with the NAACP, or shall i say, the problem that the NAACP is having with the Tea party. "The NAACP adopted a resolution Tuesday condemning "racist elements" in the Tea party movement..." Even Sarah Palin sided with the NAACP, also condemning the racist element. It not looking too good for the democrats now. Some people are even going as far to say that this may have an affect on Obama's presidency. I hope not.
Recently in my African American studies class, taught by Dr.Carr, we learned more about the Tea Party Movement. They are starting to protest. They want things like smaller governments, which Obama is not willing to side with. What shall we do?


Friday, September 10, 2010

US Race relations

"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union." In that legendary quote, there is one word that stands out, and that is the word "we". Not just one person alone can improve a big problem such as US race relations.We need to unite and work together. When I say "we", i do not just mean African Americans. I mean EVERYBODY. Everyone has their own complicated past, not just African Americans, so we cannot always dwell on the past because it hinders our efforts to make a better future. As Obama says in his speech, :...We cannot solve the challenges of our time unless we solve them together." We cannot improve US race relations by simply providing better jobs, houses, or cars. Rather, we can improve this problem by accepting one another.

Obama, Barack. "A More Perfect Union." National Constitution Center, Philadelphia. 18 March 2008. Speech.